Party’s 12th Plenum: Vu Duc Dam, Nguyen Duc Chung, Nguyen Thanh Phong introduced to Politburo, Secretariat next term

Member of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) voting in the 12th Plenum in Hanoi on May 14.

Chief Justice of the Supreme People’s Court Nguyen Hoa Binh was fiercely criticized in the 12th Plenum of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) on May 14, 2020.

Right at today’s session on May 14, 2020, at the 12th plenum, Vice President Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh harshly criticized Chief Justice of the Supreme People’s Court Nguyen Hoa Binh about errors in the case of Ho Duy Hai.

Next, Mr. Le Minh Tri, chief of the Supreme People’s Procuracy also bluntly criticized Mr. Binh and the team of 17 judges at the plenum.

Many Central Committee members said that “The criticism has been most severe in history [of the party].

Also on May 14, 2020, after 87 members of the 12th tenure were introduced into the Politburo and the Secretariat of the 13th term. The delegates voted to select 35 people for the next Politburo. From 35, 24 will be taken for the next round.

Observing at the plenum, the source said that “The introduction and voting were very fair and completely unaffected by anyone.”

Voting results: Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam got the highest number of votes, Chairman of Hanoi People’s Committee Nguyen Duc Chung was ranked 4th, Governor of the State Bank of Vietnam Le Minh Hung was also part of top ten. Chairman of HCM City People’s Committee Nguyen Thanh Phong and Secretary of the Kien Giang province’s Party Committee Nguyen Thanh Nghi all got high votes.

Currently, there are 3 candidates for the position of General Secretary of the 13th term, namely Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc, National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan, and Standing Secretary of the Central Committee Tran Vuong.

Before the 13th Congress takes place, the next plenum will be held in September 2020 to finalize the personnel issue.

Đại biểu tham dự hội nghị Trung ương 12, sáng 11/5. Ảnh: VGP

CBB – reported from the Central Conference of 12 Communist Party of Vietnam in Hanoi on May 14, 2020