Leaving his ministry, General To Lam may need 50 hectares of land?

ccording to initial information, To Lam will concurrently hold two positions, both as State President and Minister of Public Security. This is considered a victory for To Lam. However, at this time, the political scene fluctuates unpredictably. On the second…
Ai là con nhà Phật, ai là mạo nhận!

Ngày 17/5, RFA Tiếng Việt bình luận “Công văn của Giáo hội Phật giáo Việt Nam đối với sư Minh Tuệ cho thấy “ai mới là bậc chân tu”’. RFA nhắc đến 2 công văn trong cùng một ngày, của…
Россия сообщает о захвате украинского бастиона

Символ сопротивления Украинская армия уже несколько недель находится под сильным давлением. Боеприпасов не хватает, а Россия активизирует атаки в Харькове. Говорят, что Луганская область теперь полностью находится под контролем России после падения украинского бастиона сопротивления. Россия объявила о захвате одного…
Vietnam’s political scene shaked so its business market shaked too

Living under the communist regime, deprived of all civil and political rights, Vietnamese people have developed the habit of being indifferent to political developments. Vietnamese people often keep their mouth closed when ones officials get promoted while others went down…